Armed and Unarmed Security

Armed and Unarmed Security

  • Armed Security Officer

Establish a Secure Presence on Your Premises

We Provide Unarmed and Armed Security Services in El Paso, TX and Washington, DC

When you've got a business to maintain, you may not have the time or personnel to handle security on your premises at all times. That's why The Kingdom Security Firm is always ready to provide unarmed or armed security services.

We can provide armed or unarmed security guards for your property in the El Paso, TX, or Washington, area. When you contact us for security services, we'll...

  • Determine the best security solutions for your property, with armed or unarmed guards
  • Schedule a start date for services
  • Place one or multiple guards on your property on the date of service
  • Handle any security incidents quickly and report them to you and any relevant authorities

Our team can handle recurring security for your property or one-time event services as needed. To learn more about our security solutions, send us a message today.

The Security Professionals You Can Depend on

Our team is prepared to handle a variety of situations. You can count on our armed or unarmed security guards because all of our security personnel...

Hold CPR certifications

Are trained for spatial and situational awareness

Are armed forced veterans

Contact us for unarmed or armed security services today by calling 270-312-3512.

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